XI. Presentation of Design Solution

Thesis presentation home page

This month focused on the thesis presentation in a website format. Below, I will talk about the three main takeaways that I gained from this course.

Three Takeaways

Thesis Presentation

The goal of the thesis presentation is not to showcase all of the work done during the MFA program but to present a persuasive argument for each of the four Degree Learning Outcomes to qualify for the Media Design MFA degree. The thesis must show how the MFA candidates connected and synthesized research from multiple sources and transformed it into original designs. Candidates must demonstrate problem-solving skills that will assist prospective clients in reaching and persuading target audiences of the needs for the client’s product or service. Also, candidates must show their ability to show innovative thinking, producing original content and how their work is superior to others. Lastly, candidates must show some of the acquired competencies during the program. The thesis presentation shows how the designer can solve a problem from conception to post-production. Defining a target audience and building brand awareness are problems that may be included.

Layout Design

Page layouts should communicate a design’s message and should be easily understood by the reader. The content layout for the thesis presentation was an important step. To explore different approaches to laying out the content, a series of thumbnail sketches were produced. Hampton-Smith (2018) suggests utilizing a grid system to ensure balance by making connections with all of the elements on the page and providing a clear structure for readers. Size, color, and alignment plays a role in visual hierarchy. Interaction Design (n.d.) states that designers’ structure visual characteristics­–so users can easily understand information. Designers affect users’ perceptions and direct them to desired behaviors by laying out elements logically and strategically.

Design Critique

While working on the thesis presentation, we were required to critique our peer’s work. This was an opportunity to improve our work and develop our critique skills as a media designer. Critiquing is a part of the design process and providing criticism is an important skill. One of the guidelines Cox (2012) mentions in “The Unwritten Rules of a Great Design Critique” that stood out to me the most is being specific. If the explanations you provide to your peer is not specific, then the communication of the critique will suffer as well as the design and the designer. Therefore, it is vital to give quality feedback to the design and the designer who were behind the design so they can improve on their design.


Cox, P. (2012, October 15). The Unwritten Rules of a Great Design Critique. Codrops. https://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/10/15/the-unwritten-rules-of-a-great-design-critique/

Hampton-Smith, S. (2018, September 26). How to create balanced layouts. Creative Bloq. https://www.creativebloq.com/netmag/create-balanced-page-layouts-7-pro-tips-121310009

Interaction Design. (n.d.). What is visual hierarchy? The Interaction Design Foundation. https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/visual-hierarchy